June 10, 2024

Global Brain has invested in Rise, a financial technology company revolutionizing financial services in the MENA region

Global Brain has invested in Rise, a financial technology company revolutionizing financial services in the MENA region, through its GB-IX Growth Fund Investment Limited Partnership (GB-IX).

With an estimated population of 112 million+ citizens and 15 million+ foreign residents in 2023, Egypt, Rise’s core market, is the one of the most populous countries in Africa, estimated to surpass 120 million citizens by 2030. Egypt’s GDP positions it as the largest economy in Africa, having experienced significant growth over the past decade. Despite recent economic challenges such as high inflation and a foreign currency crisis, Egypt is rebounding well, benefitting from significant recent direct foreign investment and growth-oriented policies, and continues to show resilience and potential for robust growth. Egyptian government entities such as The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) and The Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA) are impactfully introducing regulatory frameworks that support the expansion of financial technology and inclusion.

Global Brain sees a significant opportunity in the growth of technology based financial services in Egypt and the MENA region, led by Rise, a company led by prominent co-founders, experienced financial services professionals, and product-led serial entrepreneurs with experience in leading global markets. Global Brain will contribute to Rise’s growth by providing support that includes connecting Rise with strong financial institutions through our global network.

About Rise

Abe Abdulla
March 2023

About GB-IX

GB-IX Growth Fund Investment Limited Partnership
General Partner
Global Brain Corporation

About Global Brain

Tokyo, Japan
Yasuhiko Yurimoto
January 1998