November 25, 2019

Global Brain has invested, as the lead investor, in QunaSys Inc., a quantum startup developing and providing algorithm and application software

Global Brain (GB) has invested in QunaSys Inc., a quantum startup developing and providing algorithm and application software, through its GB-VII Growth Fund Investment Limited Partnership (GB- VII).

QunaSys develops quantum algorithm and quantum application software, focusing mainly in quantum chemical simulations, a most expected business area to which quantum computing could be practically applied. QunaSys has accumulated experience and know-how from early on in utilizing quantum hardware provided by IBM, Microsoft, and Rigetti Computing. In addition, QunaSys is the leading startup in Japan in terms of joint research projects with Japanese leading chemical manufacturers.

GB has decided to invest in QunaSys, highly impressed in its strengths: technological capabilities comparable with its competitors in US and Europe, the excellent management team in terms of both business and technology, and strong support from its technological advisors who are highly renowned Japanese academic researchers in the field of quantum informatics and quantum chemistry.

About QunaSys, Inc.

High-tech Hongo Building 1F, Hongo 5-25-18, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Tennin Yan
February, 2018

About GB-VII

GB-VII Growth Fund Investment Limited Partnership
General Partner
Global Brain Corporation

About GB

Tokyo, Japan
Yasuhiko Yurimoto
January, 1998

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