November 16, 2020

Global Brain has invested in Lanchester Co. Ltd., which provides “MGRe”, a SaaS-based platform specializing in the mobile-app marketing, as the lead investor

Global Brain has invested in Lanchester Co. Ltd. (Lanchester), which provides “MGRe”, a SaaS-based platform specializing in the mobile app marketing, as the lead investor through its GB-VII Growth Fund Investment Limited Partnership (GB-VII).

Lanchester’s “MGRe” is a SaaS-based platform for the mobile app marketing, providing comprehensive suite of features from app development, management of customer communications, to customer data analysis. Lanchester has supported various leading players in retail and B2C services, in the deeper understanding of their customers and implementation of the optimal and personalized OMO communications by integrating multiple channels and customer experiences such as real shops, e-commerce services, and customer support via its mobile app.

Global Brain has highly evaluated Lanchester’s deep insights and excellent capabilities in mobile app development and customer relations marketing. Global Brain also recognizes the significant possibilities of their newly released platform “MGRe”, while we see more and more importance of mobile apps in our daily communications. Global Brain will leverage its deep knowledge and experience by having led a number of SaaS-based startups and will support its growth and challenges.

About Lanchester

Kentaro Tashiro
June 2007

About GB-VII

GB-VII Growth Fund Investment Limited Partnership
Partner Global Brain Corporation

About Global Brain

Tokyo, Japan
Yasuhiko Yurimoto
January, 1998

The Global Brain mark is a registered trademark of Global Brain Corporation. Other marks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.